Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Chapter Four ♫ " The Self" - 27 Jan 2015

no cheesy caption today,
Just coffee ❤

The second post of the day.
phewww ~~旦_(・o・;)

Today lesson are...


What is "self"?
how do we define ourself?
who are we?

The self are the way in which communication and interpretation of messages takes place within the individual.

simply to say,
how much we know ourself and how people see us.

as we grow mentally, we expand ourself via experience and knowledge.
and the principle of "Self" is opened to us

the principle of "self" are:

a. Self-concept
b. Self-awareness

c. Self-esteem
d. Self-disclosure


Definition: How you thinking and feel about yourself.
knowing your strength, weakness, feeling and emotion, you thought, etc.

These factor are what might or will affect our conception of ourself:

a. Social Comparison
b. Other’s Images of you
c. Self interpretations & evaluations
d. Cultural teaching

Social Comparison
> as we grow, we tend to compare and readjust ourself into society so that we fit in.
> Examples, if society think that korea's fashion is awesome, we might follow korea's fashion trend cause everyone doing it!

Other’s Images of you
> Involuntary or voluntary compare ourself with others
> Examples, after receiving your examination result, we'll tend to ask our friend's result to compare.

Self interpretations & evaluations
> Our ethical, morality,beliefs and comprehension and conformity of things around you
> Examples, Some might think that gay and lesbian are wrong, while some might think that is natural or is an ok ideal.

Cultural teaching
> Your cultural belief, righteous, values and morality.
> Examples, My religion written that, be kind to other and other will be kind to you.



Definition: The process of discovering your personal development and understanding, and how other aware of your "Self"

Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham has created the theory on Self awareness called The Johari Window 

What is Johari Window?
it's the four window that explain the different part of ourselves between us and others.

Open arena (Open self) 
Known to self and others
Example, you like the color Blue because you wear Blue everyday
and you tell others you like red.

Façade (Hidden self)
Known to self but unknown to others
Example, you are afraid of mice but you never show it because it makes you lose your ‘coolness’ – for guys.

Blind Spot (Blind Self)
Unknown to you but known to others
Example,non-verbal messages, body languages.
 Some may rub their nose or touch their face when they are nervous.

Unknown (Unknown Self)
Unknown to you and others.
Example, natural ability or aptitude that a person doesn't realize they possess

To grow in self awareness here's some tips.

~Listen to others (they might give some opinion you might not know ! -> our blind spot<- )
~Increase your open self (open yourself more, opportunity come when you are more open)
~Seek information about yourself ( find yourself whether it's hobby, interests, dislike, likes, etc)
~Dialogue with yourself (talk to yourself, you might find your unknown self? :D )


Definition: The level of confidence you have or known.

Having high esteem is good,
it gives us the boost we need,
too much, you might drown yourself.

How to increase self esteem ?
I don't know :|

BUT THANK to Mr Anwari's notes
Here what he advised :DDD

+ Attack self-destructive belief
    @ don't drown yourself in self pity or self destruction, there will always be the dark side of ourself, fight it, embrace it.

+ Seek out Nourishing people
    @ Sometime, we dwell in our dark little pool, thinking "i'm worthless" "i deserve to die", But with loves one, we can be reminded that there's good in this world and good about yourself. So don't give up on yourself :)
+ Work on project that will result in success
    @ simple, yet effective, as it will boost our self esteem :D
+ Remind yourself of your success
    @ we tend to forgot our success, cause we always improving and evolving that we tend to forget how we reached the mountain top.

+ Secure affirmation
    @ Rest assuring ourself of our ability and skill.


Definition: An act of telling others about things that they wouldn't know about you – telling your hidden self.

By doing so, not only you gain a closer bond between another,
but also it keep tru to yourself.
There're pro and con on self disclosure.

The Pro of it are:
a. Gain confidence
b. Be more truthful about yourself
c. Make or strengthen friendships and relationships

The Cons
a. Lost of friends and trust
b. Additional pressure and burden
c. Living with regret

How do you define yourself?
are you happy with yourself?
if yes, keep at it
if no, keep fighting for happiness :)
Don't give up.

Chapter Three ♫ "Listening" - 21 Jan 2015

Once upon a time,
voices can be heard, but as we grew up,
darkness consume us, leaving us speechless.

Hi Aliens o╮(。❛ᴗ❛。)╭o

Welcome back to another post on Human Communication :D
so in today class
we learnt about..




What is Listening ?
It is how speech whom are sound are transmitted through gases, plasma, and liquids as longitudinal waves, also called compression waves and as the wave enter your outer ear and travel through a narrow passageway called the ear canal, which leads to your eardrum....

nah just Joking ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

Ok, serious tho,

What is listening?
Listening is how we receive the information from a person or people,
and from that, we interpret it, understand it,
and since its "locked" in our mind ,
we're able to evaluate with ease and respond it to the other party :D

simply to say,
the process of receiving, constructing a define of it and respond to the party.

this is also called,
The Listening Process

Stages of Listening.
#1 Receiving = can be verbally or non verbal; receiving the speaker thought or idea.
#2 Understanding = Decode the messages for its meaning
#3 Remembering = Retaining the msgs receiver and using it for the next stage.
#4 Evaluating = Distinguish the msgs and reason the meaning of the msgs
#5 Responding = 2 meaning of responding: (1) Backchannaling Cues, meaning as respond while speaker is talking. (2) the end of the speaker msgs and you answering back to that msgs.

One must understand the difference between hearing and listening.

Hearing is involuntary and effortless to decode a speaker's msgs.
while listening give voluntary, understanding of the speaker's msgs.

As usual,
I'll show the chapter's subtopic before getting to it

The subtopic are..
relatively few this time \(*T▽T*)/

#Stages/process of Listening (the above)
#Listening & culture
#Listening Effectively

Listening & Culture 
(why always culture one arh ?)

They're Everywhere. Gandalf looking unimpressed and dissapointed because he is surrounded by fools. They are everywhere. OC (I hope!). l If
Listening is hard.
Why ? What so hard about listening to msgs, decode it and respond back ?
What do hard about listening ?

between two person is easy,
but what happen if both party came from a totally different background, races, religion and belief, experience, etc ?

THEY CRASHES (worst pun intended)

there are diversity of cultural and listening,
and what Mr Anwari taught are..

>Language and speech
>Non-verval behavioral differences
>Direct and indirect styles
>Balance of story versus evidence

Language and Speech

►Every speaker speaks an idiolect.
    A unique variation of the language.
►Speakers and listeners who have different native languages & who may have learned English as a second language have differences in meaning.
►Examples, a fluent english speaker will understand the saying "elephant in the room" which meant a problem that is obvious to everyone but deliberately ignored as it might cause chaos or taboo. 
While a beginner in english might involuntary direct the meaning of the sentence and asked themselves "how would an elephant fit into a room ?"

Non-verbal behavioural differences

►Different people from different cultural will have they unique gesture.
►This might contradict and thus creating noise in the process in listening.

Direct and indirect styles

►Direct style: I want to hit you with a brick
►Indirect Style: One wishes to acquaint your facial features with a fundamental item used in building walls. Repeatedly.

Balance of story versus evidence

In some cultures(e.g. United states) most people want evidence before making decisions rather than critical thinking.
But for some other cultures, they may be more influenced by the word of high credibility source.
Examples, In US, before a corporate choose which product to invest money for production, they tend to see the product"s specification.


What make a speaker credible or believable will vary from one culture to another.


how we respond back to the speaker's msgs.
In Europe, they tend to be direct and honest feedback
while in Asia, they prefer to be positive and truthful with their feedback regardless of their emotion in the feedback.

Listening Effectively

the four most ideal ways on listening effectively are:
#1 Participatory and passive listening
#2 Empathic & objective listening
#3 Nonjudgmental & critical listening
#4 Surface & depth listening

#1 Participatory and passive listening

Participate both mentally and physically when someone is encoding the msgs.
Just by listening, no interruption or noises, it show how we really concentrated in the speaker's msgs

#2 Empathic & objective listening

Adding our feeling onto the speaker's msgs,
we understand it and empathy the msgs

Emphatic listening is a way to increases the bond of two people as understanding and meaning are joint in the conversation of understand both party.

There are times when you need to measure the meanings and feelings against some objective reality

#3 Nonjudgmental & critical listening

Being opened minded and understanding will not only stop you from being bias on the msgs,
but also effectively help you understand the msgs better.

only after remembering the msgs,
then only critically think and judge the msgs

#4 Surface & depth listening

Don't just understand the surface of the msgs,
but also understand the depth of it

GF: do you think should I exercise or go on a diet?
BF: (critically understand what does GF's msgs meant, "does she ask just for opinion or does she want to know what i think of her?" and understand that the answer the given might end his life)

My favourite..

↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ My army of happy idiots ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Chapter Two ♫ "Perception" - 20 Jan 2015

Don't confuse my personality and my attitude,

Because my personality is me,
My attitude depend on YOU.

Greetings Alien (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)♥

and welcome back to my blog of Human Communication

and in today class,
we learnt Perception

What is Perception ?

Perception is a process of how we perceive things differently and subjectively.
No human can have the same perception of another perception
No matter how similar that perception or idea is
some things still differ.

Perception is also the impression of others give you and what you project to others.

Before getting in about Perception
We should understand the subtopic of Perception to better understand it.
And for Mr Anwari provided Subtopic are...

+What is perception (above explained)
+The perception process
+Processes influencing perception
+Critical perception

The Perception Process

The process or perception are

#1 Sensory stimulation Occurs
   • this is where selection of a subject occur via our senses (eye, noses, ears,etc..)
   • e.g, we TASTED a pizza

#2 Sensory stimulation is organized
   • the subject we collected are being organized
   • e.g, after tasted the pizza, we start thinking of the ingredient involved.
   • There are two type of principle in interpreting a subject which are:

       ✹Proximity Principle - Perceived a subject based on the obvious view.(we perceived the pizza having chicken meat on it)

       ✹Closure Principle - we perceived the subject based on prediction of the subject but in reality is incomplete (we perceived the pizza is chicken pepperoni)

#3 Sensory stimulation is Interpreted
   • here, is where we interpreted the pizza
   • sometime, our interpretation are not only based on our own experience or knowledge but also external sources.
   •  E.g, we ask the chef what does the pizza contain, and the chef said contained onion, mozzarella cheese and beef pepperoni. (◡‿◡✿)

but sir..
we're chinese..
it's against our religion to eat beef

Well shit  Excretion.

NEXT UP IS~~~~~~~~

Processes influencing perception

There're many kind of sources that will influence our perception.
and for today class,
we will be covering these influence,

✉Implicit personality theory
✉The self-fulfilling prophecy
✉Primacy- recency

Implicit Personality Theory

Definition: where our opinion based on a subject's characteristic automatically (m'sia slang) connect with another characteristic via our implied thought

Example: when we saw a pretty girl, we tend to implied that she is also kind and compassionate, etc. (A guy interpretation.. probably..)

This is also known as Holo Effect.

But.. There's also a reverse Halo Effect

Like how a guy see a pretty girl,
when a girl see a pretty girl...

when a girl see a pretty girl, they might implied that she is flirty, probably only friends with guy, etc etc etc...

The self-fulfilling prophecy

Definition: Also know as The Pygmalion effect, is a type of self-fulfilling prophecy where if you think something will happen, you make it happen through your actions or inaction.

Examples: When Mr Anwari told us to answer a question, if success, 5% will be given, This will make the student to believe it and will try to get it.

The Pygmalion effect was also based on a legend from greek mythology by Ovid.
A guy named Pygmalion whom was a Greek sculptor who carved a woman out of ivory.
After the completion of his ivory statue,
 but because his statue was so fair and realistic that he fell in love with it.

In time, Aphrodite's festival day came,
and Pygmalion made offerings at the altar of Aphrodite.
There he quietly wished for a bride who would be "the living likeness of my ivory girl".
When he returned home, he kissed his ivory statue,
and found that its lips felt warm. He kissed it again,
and found that the ivory had lost its hardness.
 Aphrodite had granted Pygmalion's wish.
Your son, very powderful huh

Pygmalion married the ivory sculpture changed to a woman under Aphrodite's blessing.
they had a son, Paphos, who founded the city called Paphos

Primacy- recency

Definition: With first impression as an early source of perception of the person and using later information to turn the general perception into more specific.

Examples: Met a new friend whom is cheerful, using that as our early information, we can see that friend is a happy person, after spending more time with that person, we obtain later information of that person is actually a hyperactive person.

Definition: will get back to you on this one :|


Definition: The process of interpreting the meaning behind of what and why people do.

Principles of attribution

#Consensus - do other people behave the same way as the person on whom I am focusing?
#Consistency - do this person repeatedly behaves the same way in similar situation?
#Distinctiveness - do this person act similar ways in different situations?
#Controllability - do this person was in control of his/her behavior?

hope you enjoyed today's post (⑅‾̥̥̥̥̥̑⌣‾̥̥̥̥̥̑⑅)

be more opened minded :/
or learn more english o3o


The previous Question...

A group of deaf and mute
A group of blind

How can they communicate?

The answers for that is.....

A third Party 
\(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/

Cause a third party has all the sense that both the blind and the mute don't :D

thanks for reading (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Chapter One ♫ "Foundation Of Human Comm." - 14 Jan 2015

Life is simple, 
People are the one who makes it Difficult.

Welcome Aliens °˖ ✧◝(○ ヮ ○)◜✧˖ °
Hope you're feeling educating cause today post is gonna be about....


Today's class talk about the above,
the foundation of human communication

Mr Anwari asked,
"what is Human communication ?"

The first question of the class.
Some answered "a massage meant to sent to other person"

here is my point of view of the subject.

Human Communication is about how we, the people of planet earth commute with each other in various way.
The main commute method is by our senses, where we commute using languages with each other.

Languages is an important tools in communication as it's our source of how we commute with each other.
but what is language ?
Language is either is spoken or written,
consisting of words in a structured and conventional way for communication,
whether from body language to emotion.

Communication is an important aspect in our daily life,
as it is the foundation of first impression.
How people see us and conclude our personality and attitude will depend on our we make our first impression.

Other than first impression, Communication skill is needed in many aspect in our life such as...
: asking for direction
: discussion a topic with family and friends
: interviewing for a job
: meeting your lover's parent (⊙︿⊙")
: ETC..

now that we covered the basis of Human Communication,

Here's the list of subtopic will be discussing here:
+ Communication (discussed on the above)
+ The areas of human communication
+ Culture and human communication
+ The components of human communication
+ The purpose of human communication

> > Let's Begin ---------------------------------------------

Human communication comes in many field,
for beginner (like me 。(*^▽^*)ゞ ) ,
we will cover a few area of Human Communication

the area of Human communication are..
1: Intrapersonal Communication
2: Interpersonal Communication
3: Small group & organizational communication
4: Public communication
5: Mass communication

Intrapersonal Communication

Definition: Internal communication with the communicator.
Simplify meaning: Talking to yourself

Interpersonal Communication

Not to be mistake with intrapersonal communication (difference of "-tra" and "-ter")

Definition: a communication between two or more people

Small group & organizational communication

Definition: communicate with a group of people between (5++)

Public communication

Definition: To inform and/or persuade an audience.

Mass communication

Definition: Individual being commute via media (E.g, TV, newspaper, etc)

and that's pretty for "area of Human Communication"

next part..

Culture and human communication

What is Culture and how does it relate to Human Communication?

Culture was form since the beginning of civilization ,
when human start to form they own lifestyle and languages,
and from that, they start to form they own civilization.
but with so many culture being formed from all over the world,
there bound to be conflict due to cultural difference.

so this is where human communication comes in handy

In human communication,
it aim to understand how communication influence between one with another
and to distinguish what's universal and what's relative between one cultural and another totally different cultural.
after through understanding and analysis,
only then we are able to effectively communicate in wide variety of intercultural situation.

Examples of Cultural difference..
USA vs China

Multiple types of races (Latin, south America, Africa, & Asia)
Mainly consist of Chinese or Asian
Extrovert personality
Introvert personality
Informal in social circle
Formal in social circle

The components of human communication

one of the component of Human Communication is Communication Context which consist of..

- Socio-psychological context
- Physical context
- Cultural context
- Temporal context

Socio-psychological Context

Definition: it includes the relationships among participants, the roles that people play, and also includes the friendliness/unfriendliness,seriousness/humorousness,formality/informality of the situation.

Simplify: the relationship of the people and the situation in a conversation or a discussion.

Example: Is it OK for you to talk about the clubbing party when you visit a friend who her mother just passed away? No. you need to determine the social environment and the audience.

Physical context

Definition: concrete environment has the influence in a communication.

Example: Comparing a lecture class and a tutorial class,
A lecture class consist of 100+ people and the communication circle is between the students and lecturer, where the lecturer will have to commute with 100+ student.
On the other hand
A tutorial normally consist of 20+ student and due to the lower number of student,
the communication between student and lecturer are more flexible and more interactive.

Cultural context

Definition: The beliefs, values and behaviour that are shared by a group of people and is passed down from generation to the next.

Examples: A Chinese family will teaches their children the do's and don't of chinese new year celebration and their origin of rules.

Temporal context

Definition: The suitable time of an individual or group determine the communication taking place

Examples: a group of student prefer to discuss during the afternoon as they're wide awake, and a good excuse to go out makan after discussion ;DD

Component of Human communication consist of ;

> Source & Receiver
> Messages
> Feedback & Feedforward
> Channels
> Noise
> Effect


Definition: Two way role that interchanges actively in a conversation.

>Source: Encode messages(ideas) Speaks, write, gesture

>Receiver: Decode messages(translating the ideas) LISTEN, read, respond

Examples: John tell Ah Bu that he want to eat subway later,
Ah bu tried to listen but because the class room is noisy,
John write in a paper and gesture Ah Bu to take the paper
Ah Bu read it and respond to John that he want makan boat noddles


Definition: a communication containing some information, news, advice, request, or the like, sent by messenger, telephone, email, or other means.

Feedback & Feedforward

Definition: Responses and Comment


The types of Channel:
#Vocal Channel - Spoken Words
#Visual Channel - Body Gesture
#Olfactory Channel - Smells, Oder
#Tactile Channel - Touch


The types of Noise:
#Physical Noise - pedestrian or external sound that is not within the communication circle
#Psychological Noise - Impression, the judgement or perception of a person(hearing of memory loss also consider as Psychological noise)
#Semantic Noise - Jargon, specific terms


The types of Effect:
#Intellectual/Cognitive - a change of thinking and mind
#Affective - behavioural changes
#Psychomotor - Physical behavioural changes

The Purposes of Human Communication

What are the purpose of Human Communication ?

the purposes of it are..

♚ To help
          communicate to help – family, therapist,psychologist
♛To discover
          personal discovery
♚To relate
           maintain relationship with others
♛To persuade
            to buy, promote, value        
♚To play
            Enjoyable, exciting  

We are a creature,
A creature of complexity, capable of desires, fears, and physical and mental needs.
and to full fill such needs is by

FINALLY ( °̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥◡͐°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥)

and lastly...
Mr Anwari asked us a unique question ;)

A group of deaf and mute
A group of blind

How can they communicate?
what's your answer for this ?

Bye, see you in my next post ~(˘▾˘)~


after attending my 2nd and 3rd class of Human Comm. ,
turns out Mr Anwari is a very happy, cheerful and nice guy (▰˘◡˘▰)
Hope to continue seeing him happy (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
Please take care of us sir :DD

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Beginning - 7th Jan 2015

tthe first day of a new semester 
and my first class is 
 Human Communication 

Welcome Aliens to my blog of Human 101 
˚₊✧。◦°˚\(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/˚°◦。✧₊˚ 

You may have notice from the url and the title of the blog
well, this is a blog mainly about human communication
now, some might question " why do you need to create a blog solely on human communication?" "don't know how to commute arh ? " "al lak, dahpe lah, guna bahasa rojak pun cukup kan ?"

But I know that human communication is more than that. it's more than just words being spoken out but to commute, deliver your idea and thought to other individual around us. expose your mind to the world through communication through effective and powerful communication thus, human communication was researched and taught to earthlings for now i won't do into the topic but just talk about my first day of human comm. class in UCSI


Due to the facts it's just the first day of class
many senior and lazyass  holiday-mood student skipped
so the class only hold about 60++ student

the class started at 12:30pm but opps...
datang lewat pulak ( ̄д ̄;)
as i enter the class
i notice my teacher, Mr Anwari
was not in the mood
when i saw Mr Anwari face blacken
i was like...

so, my first impression of him was....
Mr Anwari just go through his course outline & assignment and dismissed class

And that's the First day of Human Communication class.

Gonna try to post as much as possible,
but probably will post by chapters or per week bases

because I'm lazy Busy with Life (•̀ᴗ•́)و

Hope the aliens out there will continue viewing my blog٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
Thanks for Reading :D

*Will update the real important part next time, now ....
time for cookie break